An astronaut, baby, president, princess, and television star all in one day! Those image generators are so much fun. I used to create my images. At first I couldn't figure out how to get my face to be the right size and in the right place. I eventually found a video tutorial on the website that explained how to get to the flash editor to tweak the picture. The flash editor wasn't perfect. If you rotated the image too much it wouldn't show up correctly in the final image. All that aside though, the activity was really fun. My thoughts immediately went to elementary school students and the images that they could create to use as story starters. In the library students could choose a character from a book that they just finished and use an image generator to create that character with their face. What a great advertisement for the book! Of course, the issue with using these image creators is the questionable content that shows up via advertisements and image options. I'm not sure how you would go about making the experience kid-friendly.
My name is Courtney and I've been married to my husband Neil for 3 years. I graduated from the University of Houston in 2005 and taught second grade for two years. I currently spend my time loving my husband, my golden retriever Holly, and my home. I've also recently gone back to school to get a master's degree in School Library and Information Science.
Courtney-If the library thing doesn't work out, there might be a spot for you at Cinderella's castle! Magical!